Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Isles of Capri

This past summer I traveled to Italy with my mother, sister and aunt. We flew out of JFK and landed in the heart of Rome. We stayed in a beautiful hotel that had balconies that overlooked the busy city. We took day trips to different parts of Italy everyday, we were always on the run! One of my most favorite parts we traveled to was the Isles of Capri. This part of Italy was breathtaking, it was the most gorgeous place I could ever dream of, let alone actually be there. The ocean was a blueish green color and you could see the ocean floor about 10 feet down. I sat on the beach all day,as the Mediterranean waves hit the rocks I was hit with a refreshing splash. The beach was made up of all rocks, I felt the sun glistening off of my body and thought how lucky I was to be there. This was truly an experience of a lifetime and I am blessed that I have experienced it. I wish I could live there!

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